Is a Poker Game With Friends Illegal Gambling?

There are ways to avoid gambling-related arrests, including playing in-person poker games at home or participating in legitimate online poker sites. As long as participants are over 18 and adhere to local regulations, gambling-related arrests should not occur. Poker can often be considered gambling; the winner of each game being determined by chance. But skill […]

Are Professional Poker Players Gambling Addicts?

According to a study published in Journal of Behavioural Addictions, professional poker players are not compulsive gamblers. Researchers examined records of online poker players and discovered that only 1 out of every 5 were considered compulsive gamblers; only 1/3 reported any detrimental impact from gambling behavior on daily life; thus suggesting most do not suffer […]

What Does it Take to Become a Professional Gambler?

Professional gamblers must also be prepared to pay taxes on their winnings. Without regular paycheck withholding from income, professional gamblers need to estimate and pay estimated taxes throughout the year – this is especially essential if they’re making significant amounts from betting activities. Even with all of their challenges, professional gamblers often find great satisfaction […]

Can Casinos Change the Payout on Video Poker Machines?

One question frequently raised regarding video poker is whether or not it’s rigged. This misconception arises due to the fact that hand results are determined by each machine’s payout table, not random number generators (RNG). As a result, some people believe the chances of landing a Royal Flush differ between machines even though all have […]