What is a Represented Internet Payment Thank You Charge?

Discover is a payment card and credit card network offering financial services. Known for their innovative financial products and customer service offerings, which has helped keep them competitive in the credit card industry. If you see charges such as “Represented Internet Payment Thank You Charge,” that could indicate online payment/transaction fees being assessed against your […]

What is the Best Pennsylvania Lottery Game to Play?

William Sestito, Pennsylvania’s ninth most frequent winner, recently defended himself during an interview. Sitting firmly on the steps of his two-story suburban home in Reading Township, Sestito insisted all 110 lottery wins from 2008 to 2016 were his. According to Stark’s calculations, in order for Sestito to have had even a 1-in-10 million chance of […]

Can Mormons Drink Herbal Tea?

Mormons may enjoy various beverages, including coffee-flavored desserts like iced mochas and cookies as well as herbal tinctures flavored with coffee. Furthermore, many Mormons enjoy cold drinks like non-alcoholic apple juice, milk and non-caffeinated sodas as cold refreshments. Mormons should keep in mind that the Word of Wisdom should not be treated as an authoritative […]

Factors to Consider Before Having a Forex Robot Made For You

One major consideration in creating your forex robot should be cost. Most companies provide a free trial of their software before asking you for financial commitment, giving you ample opportunity to evaluate if the robot meets your requirements and requirements. Before making a commitment, try out different types of robots to determine which best suit […]